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Info about applying to Trinity College Dublin as a EU citizen residing in the UK

Hi, I moved to the UK about 4 years ago (so I now qualify for home fees), but with the recent tuition fees raise I'm seriously considering looking elsewhere to get my engineering degree, I already took a gap year to work in industry, gain experience and arguably more importantly save money, as I'm reluctant in taking students loans, so I am also looking for scholarships (but not many universities in the UK offer good ones, except for the very top ones, and I am not sure I will get a place at one of them, so I am reviewing all my options).

That said, what I am interested in learning is how much would I be paying in fees at Trinity College Dublin, or any other Irish university, I had a quick loo at the website and I got the impression that different degrees had different fees, and it looked to me that for engineering I would be spending around 7k a year in fees for a minimum of 4 years (?), correct me if I am wrong.

I also heard that in Scotland uni is free. What's the application process like (for unis in both Ireland and Scotland) ?

Original post by username6181477
Hi, I moved to the UK about 4 years ago (so I now qualify for home fees), but with the recent tuition fees raise I'm seriously considering looking elsewhere to get my engineering degree, I already took a gap year to work in industry, gain experience and arguably more importantly save money, as I'm reluctant in taking students loans, so I am also looking for scholarships (but not many universities in the UK offer good ones, except for the very top ones, and I am not sure I will get a place at one of them, so I am reviewing all my options).

That said, what I am interested in learning is how much would I be paying in fees at Trinity College Dublin, or any other Irish university, I had a quick loo at the website and I got the impression that different degrees had different fees, and it looked to me that for engineering I would be spending around 7k a year in fees for a minimum of 4 years (?), correct me if I am wrong.

I also heard that in Scotland uni is free. What's the application process like (for unis in both Ireland and Scotland) ?


It's only free if you've lived in Scotland 'normally' for at least three years.
Tuition fees are free (paid by the Irish state) for UK and EU students attending Irish undergraduate courses. There is though a £1,700 or so admin fee. You would apply through the CAO and Irish universities allocate places from that strictly on exam merit after the school leaving exam results are known in the summer. Aside from you having some, they will not be interested in GCSE grades.

Be aware standard engineering at both Trinity & University College will very likely require minimum A* A* A including maths, and Engineering & Management at Trinity A* A* A* plus an AS or fourth A Level. There are though two other universities in Dublin & lots outside it with lower grade requirements.

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