Hiya there,
Really great to hear you've received offers from those 2 choices - congrats!
As McGinger has said, you are the best judge of what's right for you. I'd recommend first and foremost to follow which course you prefer. Which course inspires you more? Which is aligned to what you want to learn and are interested in?
Also, where do you feel most 'at home?' Compared to Bath, the Uni of Toronto is huge, and has a quaint oldy-worldy feel whereas Bath's buildings are quite chic and modern.
I would also encourage you to ask yourself how far you want to be from your family.
Lastly, one thing I'd say about Bath is that it has one of the best placement schemes in the country. The great majority of our courses including politics with econ has a yeal-long placement option where you can go off and work for a year in an industry related to your course. Its a very valuable things to add to your grad CV and is also a lot of fun, a great chance to do something new and different for year. See if Toronto also offer this, and consider whether you'd be interested in this 🙂
I really hope this helps - best of luck!
University of Bath