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GCSE AQA English language paper grade boundary

Hi I’m home educated so I’m trying to figure out the the grade boundaries. I’ve marked my own papers so far using the mark schemes as best as I possible could.

In section a I scored 30/40 equating 75%, when it comes to the grade I’m not sure what and how to work it out? I’m thinking this is a grade 7/8?

Please could someone help me to decipher the grading boundary🙏🏻
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Jjjjjjjjjjjjaed
Hi I’m home educated so I’m trying to figure out the the grade boundaries. I’ve marked my own papers so far using the mark schemes as best as I possible could.

In section a I scored 30/40 equating 75%, when it comes to the grade I’m not sure what and how to work it out? I’m thinking this is a grade 7/8?

Please could someone help me to decipher the grading boundary🙏🏻

What paper is it?
June 2021 paper 2
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Jjjjjjjjjjjjaed
Thank you so much

No worries, I assume that these are the grade boundaries but 2021 was a weird year
Yes true. I’m going to go a variety and average out the score. 21…covid time - worst period yet.
Reply 7
Original post by Jjjjjjjjjjjjaed
Hi I’m home educated so I’m trying to figure out the the grade boundaries. I’ve marked my own papers so far using the mark schemes as best as I possible could.
In section a I scored 30/40 equating 75%, when it comes to the grade I’m not sure what and how to work it out? I’m thinking this is a grade 7/8?
Please could someone help me to decipher the grading boundary🙏🏻

Why don't you use Tilf website to mark your essays? It won't be 100% accurate but I think it's better than you trying on your own.

Also why don't you use the grade boundaries from 2024? chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ I know you practiced an old paper but I think it makes more sense to look at what would your grade be according to the 2024 system.

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