The Student Room Group

Single Ensuite Room in Zone 1 London

Looking for a full time student to takeover the tenancy of a single ensuite room, fully furnished with on site laundry room, vending machine and all working appliances in kitchen.

Rent- 229 GBP per week

Room is located in Paul Robeson House, 1 Penton Rise,

20 minutes walk from Russel square universities like SOAS, UCL, LSE etc.
Reply 1
Hello! Is this still available? Please let me know the block and floor of the room and whether a viewing is possible or not.
Reply 2
Hello! May I know if its still available? Please let me know which block and floor is it and whether a viewing is possible or not.
Reply 3
Original post by Sanghita
Hello! May I know if its still available? Please let me know which block and floor is it and whether a viewing is possible or not.

Hi I have a studio accomodation in London if interested? Would you like to DM?
Original post by Sanghita
Hello! Is this still available? Please let me know the block and floor of the room and whether a viewing is possible or not.

Hi, I have an en-suite accom for KCL students if you’re interested?

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