Hey everyone, I could use some perspective here. I’ve noticed a few things my girlfriend has been hiding from me, and I’m not sure if I’m overthinking or if these are actual red flags.
1. Hidden Habits: I recently found out shes been vaping, tried smoking, and regularly uses snus, and she kept this from me for 1–2 months. She admitted she hid it because she thought I’d see it as a dealbreaker and might even break up with her over it. The habits themselves don’t bother me—I’m fine with it—but it feels weird and disrespectful that she intentionally hid something like this instead of trusting me with the truth.
2. Lies About Who She’s With at the Club: When she goes out, she’ll tell me she’s with her girl friends only, but I sometimes find out later (not from her) that there were guys there too. It’s not that I mind her hanging out with other guys in a group at the club, but it feels strange that she also intentionally hides the fact that she’s been with guys after making it extremely clear she’s only with her girl friends.
Am I just being paranoid, or does this seem like something worth addressing? Not sure how I feel about the whole thing right now and would definitely appreciate other perspectives before I can choose how I should feel. Thanks!