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Maths GCSEs compared to Furthermaths A-levels

As a year 11 student, who has heard everyone one talk about how hard Further maths is… I genuinely wanna know if it’s actually doable. I am very naturally at maths. Maths is that one subject that I never even study or practice for but I always pass. The first time I did foundation paper in year 10, I didn’t even know we had a test but I got 78/80. For my first higher paper I got a grade 7 and I only did like the little revision we were allowed to do in class 10 minutes before the exam. So for my standard in maths now do you think further maths would be doable for me? A lot of good unis like further maths to study economics and I really wanna give myself a good chance of getting in. Definitely doing A-level maths tho!
Reply 1
there are groups of people complaining abount further maths as well as others enjoying it. From your description it seems like that the subject is preferable. You may take a look at the syllabus to see if you are comfortable with those higher level math.
Reply 2
It really depends on how you are with “purer” modules like proof. To be honest with you, I wouldn’t do it for economics but I would do it if I was interested in it
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Kiddo276
It really depends on how you are with “purer” modules like proof. To be honest with you, I wouldn’t do it for economics but I would do it if I was interested in it

It depends on where OP was hoping to apply to. Some universities have a preference for Further Maths for Economics as it can be a very Mathematical course.
Original post by thereallovella
As a year 11 student, who has heard everyone one talk about how hard Further maths is… I genuinely wanna know if it’s actually doable. I am very naturally at maths. Maths is that one subject that I never even study or practice for but I always pass. The first time I did foundation paper in year 10, I didn’t even know we had a test but I got 78/80. For my first higher paper I got a grade 7 and I only did like the little revision we were allowed to do in class 10 minutes before the exam. So for my standard in maths now do you think further maths would be doable for me? A lot of good unis like further maths to study economics and I really wanna give myself a good chance of getting in. Definitely doing A-level maths tho!

If you get an 8 or 9 in maths GCSE, you will have a good enough foundation in Maths to go on to do Maths and Further Maths A level. It will take hard work and require you to keep on top of your work and make sure you don't leave any gaps and topics you don't understand, but it is definitely possible. Further Maths is quite hard though, and I wouldn't recommend Further Maths to someone who doesn't get an 8 or 9 in GCSE. See how you do in GCSE Maths, and if you are doing well and enjoy maths, then by all means go for it.
Reply 5
If further maths wasn't 'doable' it wouldn't be an A-level course. So yes. And also the majority of people who take Further Maths have no experience in mathematics other than GCSE, so you are not at any major disadvantage.

That being said, Further Maths is by no means an easy subject. It is more difficult than single mathematics and requires a lot of temporal investment for the same output in comparison with other subjects. Do not think that getting an 8 or 9 at GCSE means you are set for an A or A* in Further Maths. GCSE maths and A-level Further are in two completely different leagues. You are no longer competing against a whole cohort of teenagers who begrudging sit GCSE maths and aim to scrape a pass - you are competing against those who are set on doing mathematical courses at uni and are fighting to meet uni grade requirements.

Take this into consideration. I think for your course specifically taking FM would be a significant asset, but do not take it unless you are willing to put a lot of time into it (far more than for GCSE maths).
Reply 6
Original post by thereallovella
As a year 11 student, who has heard everyone one talk about how hard Further maths is… I genuinely wanna know if it’s actually doable. I am very naturally at maths. Maths is that one subject that I never even study or practice for but I always pass. The first time I did foundation paper in year 10, I didn’t even know we had a test but I got 78/80. For my first higher paper I got a grade 7 and I only did like the little revision we were allowed to do in class 10 minutes before the exam. So for my standard in maths now do you think further maths would be doable for me? A lot of good unis like further maths to study economics and I really wanna give myself a good chance of getting in. Definitely doing A-level maths tho!

Im currently in y12 doing fm and If you find maths enjoyable and easy to understand at higher gcse level then definitely give it a go. Obviously it will require way more work to master than normal a level maths as the jump is wayyy higher. But what i found somewhat easier about it (at least from my experience) is that if you can master the questions in the textbook and do a few past practice questions you will be very much fine (at least for edexcel) and the first few things you do in fm don't necessarily feel extremely hard it just feels like more content. So maybe give it a go and if it doesnt work out then drop it. There isn't really much point in doing fm if you cannot at least get an A in my opinion.
Reply 7
Original post by thereallovella
As a year 11 student, who has heard everyone one talk about how hard Further maths is… I genuinely wanna know if it’s actually doable. I am very naturally at maths. Maths is that one subject that I never even study or practice for but I always pass. The first time I did foundation paper in year 10, I didn’t even know we had a test but I got 78/80. For my first higher paper I got a grade 7 and I only did like the little revision we were allowed to do in class 10 minutes before the exam. So for my standard in maths now do you think further maths would be doable for me? A lot of good unis like further maths to study economics and I really wanna give myself a good chance of getting in. Definitely doing A-level maths tho!

I speak as someone who struggles a bit with further maths, do it. Worst comes to worst you can always drop if it gets too much but its much more difficult to start later on, and if you like maths you will enjoy it. You are gonna have to pick up on your revision though and be able to bounce back after some brutal test results. It's very unlikely you won't get a test back in further maths that will be on the cusp of passing or close enough to it.

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