The Student Room Group

Nottingham trent accommodation

I am planning to join NTU in September 2025. Looking for a private accommodation that is walkable to city campus. Was contemplating

Straits Village Or Miura. Pls provide any insight into any of these tow or any other accommodation that is good.

Any input would be helpful. Thanks.

I've found Nottingham to be an very walk-able city, especially looking at the two accommodation options you're interested in. Both are situated near the Victoria Centre; less than a 10 minute walk from NTU City Campus!

We have plenty of information about Travel and Transport here, and you can also explore our range of NTU Accommodation, with helpful travel estimates and routes for each. Some also include a free travel pass should they be further away from campus.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Reply 2
Thank you so much - very helpful
Reply 3
These Private accommodations have opened up booking for Sep 2025. Should I wait and book them thru NTU portal or now directly with them?. Thank you

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