So my UCAS reference is my English Literature and Composition teacher, and I didn't have him submit predicted grades since we don't really do mock exams or whatever so he can't really "predict" what I'm going to get on the AP exam (kind of our equivalent of A-levels in the States btw) with like actual evidence, and moreover the only exams I'm taking this year are AP Bio and AP World, which aren't really related to his subject?
But today I got an email from Edinburgh that said applications will not be considered complete without predicted grades - should I just ask him to submit just based on my academic performance? I think he would just predict 4 or 5 if I asked, but again I feel like it would be a bit strange. Or I could have my school counselor submit my report card from the first quarter of the year? FWIW, I have submitted enough AP exams to meet their requirements I think (12 total, 10 scores of 5 and 2 scores of 4). But I know they want to know about this year too.
I've drafted an email to send Edinburgh but I'm not sure if this is something I should contact them about, in case it's common knowledge already. Please let me know what you guys think. Thank you!!