The Student Room Group

What would you do if you was me?

26 no friends depression and social anxiety social media addict not in uni or work but want to start uni but think it’s too late to experience my wasted youth.
Reply 1
Original post by RatRestaraunt
26 no friends depression and social anxiety social media addict not in uni or work but want to start uni but think it’s too late to experience my wasted youth.

Goshh that sounds like a difficult place to be in. Im sorry you are feeling that way. Personally, I would still go to uni. You truly have only just begun your life even if it doesnt feel that way! You are young!!! I have an aunt who still hasnt finished her uni yet and she's 30 when she graduates!! If you maybe feel like things are flying by and you are missing your youth, ive read that not making memories and hanging about tends to make time feel like its moved much faster. You've got this!!!! Its within you reach and I believe 🌟you've got this🌟
I hope this helps 🫂
I would cut down on social media usage, sign up with the job centre and start hitting the weights. Things will only continue to get worse if you remain stagnant.
Reply 3
Original post by RatRestaraunt
26 no friends depression and social anxiety social media addict not in uni or work but want to start uni but think it’s too late to experience my wasted youth.

I know a few first year students who are in there mid to late twenties (which is still considered young honestly) and even one 50 year old women in one of my modules - the whole wasted youth thing is a tough mindset hurdle you need to jump over, you can literally do anything at any age if you are physically able to do so. If you know what uni you want to start in try find some groups online to see if you can find people in a similar spot as you. As someone who also has depression, social anxiety and social media addiction you'll definitely find at least one new friend at Uni.

Apart from Uni, try cut down your time on social media, I understand its hard to do so when you are struggling mentally since its kind of like a negative feedback loop - you feel depressed so you try find comfort in social media but that in turn makes your struggles worse and thus the loop. Baby steps like reducing it by 10 mins a day and adding onto it possibly or try consume content that wont feed into your struggles? Personally I've had to cut down time spent on fashion/makeup content since tiktok keeps sending me down this horrible rabbit hole to this looksmaxxing crap that gets me spiralling on how ''atrocious'' looking I am which in turn worsens my social anxiety. You could always pick up new hobbies to reduce social media time too such as drawing, crocheting etc, there is a lot of cheap hobbies that are easy to start. Maybe a new hobby will help with finding friends too.

Hope you are doing well, keep fighting for yourself!
My mum went to uni in her 40s so it’s never too late!
I would:

start adding a pinch of saffron to my food each day
Stop eating chicken, eggs
Cut down a lot on beef, pork and fish
Eat a 1000 microgramme vitamin B12 pill once a week
Eat more fruit and veg. Especially the stuff high in flavonoids
ensure I was getting plentiful doses of physical activity including walking or running in pine forests

watch more inspirational and practical educational stuff on social media

start a business in an area I was passionate about, or could become passionate about
Or get skills in a highly in demand area that wouldn't be totally boring to work in and get a starter job in that area

Face down my social anxiety fears

Work on improving myself to become the joint best boyfriend / girlfriend in the world and in parallel with that get out there and start meeting women / men

Bin the idea of going to uni

Enjoy the here and now and appreciate what a wonderful miraculous gift each day of life is
(edited 2 months ago)

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