I would:
start adding a pinch of saffron to my food each day
Stop eating chicken, eggs
Cut down a lot on beef, pork and fish
Eat a 1000 microgramme vitamin B12 pill once a week
Eat more fruit and veg. Especially the stuff high in flavonoids
ensure I was getting plentiful doses of physical activity including walking or running in pine forests
watch more inspirational and practical educational stuff on social media
start a business in an area I was passionate about, or could become passionate about
Or get skills in a highly in demand area that wouldn't be totally boring to work in and get a starter job in that area
Face down my social anxiety fears
Work on improving myself to become the joint best boyfriend / girlfriend in the world and in parallel with that get out there and start meeting women / men
Bin the idea of going to uni
Enjoy the here and now and appreciate what a wonderful miraculous gift each day of life is