@Angel596 !
Great to hear you're interested in Swansea - I've really enjoyed my time here so far.
@bibachu has already given out some great advice! I remember when I was applying for uni it was really stressful finding unis - finding a city I thought I'd enjoy and a course that lined up with my goals - but above all else, I really wasn't a fan of the uncertainty 😵*💫
Something that's really handy, and fairly new, is that as well as the published grade range, for many courses UCAS now shows the highest and lowest A-level grades achieved by applicants who get onto a program on the course page (fairly near the bottom) - they have
a search tool you can use here. So you can be a little bit more sure about what the chances are by looking there.
I can't speak to other unis, but you might also like to know that Swansea guarantees a conditional offer - for the course you apply for, a foundation if applicable, or a similar program - depending on your grade profile, personal statement, and the rest of your application. You can find out a little bit more about it
here.Finally, if there's any reason or circumstance that you think might be impacting your performance so far, hopefully your school took that into account when setting your predicted grades, but it never hurts to let the unis you're applying to know 🙂
Hopefully that helps, but if there's anything on your mind or if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Medicine (Graduate Entry) @ Swansea +
Medical Biochemistry