No worries
ensure you do your NEA way ahead of time by doing small things such as creating headings for your document and planning bullet points about what you can waffle about
make sure when you write your NEA (I'm gonna assume you're OCR spec) that you use the mark scheme that the examiners/teachers use to assess your writeup. Read through this thoroughly and jot down in your respective secctions a plan about what exactly you need to include so that the examiner can't really put you in a disadvantaged state.
the NEA is a beautiful mercy since it enables those who are educated and those who read the bludclart markscheme to strategise and plan their project in such a way that they can code their solution to exactly what the examboard wants and from there increase their chance of performing extra well in their final exam, with the NEA being a cushion of support in case if they fail to deliver
Otherwise for theory just ensure your knowledge expands further than the specification
For OCR my friend told me its especially important that you map your answer to the mark scheme AND be very specific with your written solution. For example a question about what interrupts are, I answered something vague along the lines of : "thing that CPU hears and then it drops the other pgorams that its doing and attends to the high priority emergency", of which my friend recently advised me to say something like: "programs appended/pushed onto stack for main memory then high priortiy something like that blabla then after the priorty thing is done POP the instructions back into the CPU" the idea I'm trying to push into your brain and the brains of those who might read this years later
Any other questions don't hesitate to ask me
For programming its quite simple but just do programming, you'd be amazed at the amount of progress you can make with regards to your brain capacity by just Doing Stuff
And yeah the rest of the important stuff like drinking water eating food all of that do that take care of yourself so your brain is happy
If you feel sad remember that you have NOTHING TO BE SAD ABOUT, you have so many blessings and advantages over billions of humans like your ability to see and walk without pain and eat without pain and not be allergic to water and have a family and have the ability to breathe without pain and have hair on your head. Even if you are struck with some of these remember your blessings
One mishap and you think that your life is ass
never adopt this ideology
Apologies for doing too much, I have extended this response importance of gratitude i.e. shukr but remember to do lots of dhikr and most of all lhave sabr.
Remember when Yunus A.S. was stuck in the belly of a whale at the bottom of the bludclart ocean but still he remembered his Rabb and had hope. That is pretty flipping scary innit. In the belly of a bludclart whale!!! What the bumbuclart!
And then compare that to me. Scared of a flipping deadline for my A-Levels
This life is not worth anything make sure you commit to salah, that's what you'll really be asked about
but never let that be a reason for you to be lazy and not do anything.
Aspire to be something, my aspiration is to be the GreatestOfAllTim(e) wrt improving myself
I hope others reading this benefit positively from my waffling and gargbling 8 days before my final NEA deadline