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Starting to lose interest in art

So so for college I'm doing BTEC art, which is basically all art related. And I've just found that I'm not really so keen on art anymore, and I have my eyes on other subjects like criminology and pyschology that sound interesting to me.

Because I like to read about crimes, watch crime documentaries, and I really enjoyed the Kdrama Juvenile Justice and i was like, having a career in the justice force sounds interesting. And pyschology interests me to, I'm always reading about stuff about pyschology on the web.

Like I still kind of like art, drawing and stuff, looking at art, but it's more like a hobby for me tbh, and the career options for art dont really interest me for some reason. I was thinking of graphic design, but like i dk man, i don't know **** about how to use computers.

Also I'm in second yr, and so it'd be kind of a waste to just drop out.

Like I want to go to university, but I dk what course to even do, because Ive kinda lost interest in doing art anymore, like i used to love art back in secondary and primary it was one of my fav subjects, but now that I'm in college, that passion has kind of faded. Like college has quite frankly ruined art for me.

In the second yr everyone is doing statements, for ucas. And I'm like wtf do I want to even do at uni? Can't even think of a art course that i want to ******* do. Like before applying to college, i did not think this through, I just thought, oh i like drawing and being creative, why not do a BTEC art subject.

I dont really draw anymore, and just feel uninterested in my current course, like its ******* dead and boring, like i dont want to keep writing about f artists man. Like my attendance is really low, and I ain't got no friends there lol(the environment in the class is toxic, with cliquey and gossipers)

I just feel so stuck on life, and wish I did A levels so that I would've been able to explore different subjects, but like i don't want to do another 2 years of college, because college for me has been hellish, and a very isolating place.

Like I'm literally so stuck on what to do in life, and I wish i didn't do an all art course. Because I feel like I've ****ed my future up, and I feel like crying lol.

This is just a rant, but any advice would be great.
(edited 3 months ago)
Original post by Spectacular207
So so for college I'm doing BTEC art, which is basically all art related. And I've just found that I'm not really so keen on art anymore, and I have my eyes on other subjects like criminology and pyschology that sound interesting to me.
Because I like to read about crimes, watch crime documentaries, and I really enjoyed the Kdrama Juvenile Justice and i was like, having a career in the justice force sounds interesting. And pyschology interests me to, I'm always reading about stuff about pyschology on the web.
Like I still kind of like art, drawing and stuff, looking at art, but it's more like a hobby for me tbh, and the career options for art dont really interest me for some reason. I was thinking of graphic design, but like i dk man, i don't know **** about how to use computers.
Also I'm in second yr, and so it'd be kind of a waste to just drop out.
Like I want to go to university, but I dk what course to even do, because Ive kinda lost interest in doing art anymore, like i used to love art back in secondary and primary it was one of my fav subjects, but now that I'm in college, that passion has kind of faded. Like college has quite frankly ruined art for me.
In the second yr everyone is doing statements, for ucas. And I'm like wtf do I want to even do at uni? Can't even think of a art course that i want to ******* do. Like before applying to college, i did not think this through, I just thought, oh i like drawing and being creative, why not do a BTEC art subject.
I dont really draw anymore, and just feel uninterested in my current course, like its ******* dead and boring, like i dont want to keep writing about f artists man. Like my attendance is really low, and I ain't got no friends there lol(the environment in the class is toxic, with cliquey and gossipers)
I just feel so stuck on life, and wish I did A levels so that I would've been able to explore different subjects, but like i don't want to do another 2 years of college, because college for me has been hellish, and a very isolating place.
Like I'm literally so stuck on what to do in life, and I wish i didn't do an all art course. Because I feel like I've ****ed my future up, and I feel like crying lol.
This is just a rant, but any advice would be great.

Hi @Spectacular207

There is always a solution and a way to move forward, so try not to let yourself spiral into regret and worry with this. It's easier said than done of course, but you've go this! These mixed feelings are completely normal and valid, so try not to worry that you're in this kind of grey area about what to do for your next steps.

It sounds like Art has been a strong interest of yours previously and it could be that you current course is the reason for your change of heart. If you're not enjoying your course, it could be making you feel less passionate about studying Art and pursuing the subject at degree level could improve your outlook. But of course, interests do change, and you may still love art and being creative, but potentially feel you don't want to continue with it as a career.
I would have a look at UCAS for some inspiration as to what art related courses are available. There's more than just standard 'Fine Art' courses nowadays, like comic and concept art courses, product design, illustration, digital design courses, and so many more, so there may be something you like the sound of which you never even considered.

Have you researched into the other subjects you're considering? Or had a look at career options they could offer? Or potentially if any of them offer ways to still use your creative skillset? Being creative doesn't always mean drawing or painting, so maybe a new course could utilize your creativity through writing, or presenting, or like you mentioned - graphic design, just as an example.

Something else I would advise is to look at some uni options with a foundation year. You may have only studied Art instead of a few subjects at A Level, so you might feel a little limited in your potential options. A foundation year can help bridge the gap between your current course and a degree, and if you feel you have some gaps in your education due to only studying Art at college, it could help boost your confidence in a new subject area before starting your degree.
You mentioned you're also interested in crime or psychology or something within the justice sector, so why not have a look on UCAS to see if any unis offer a foundation year with these types of courses. Also, they're just a year and can progress you onto the degree course straight after.

Here are some examples of foundation year options offered at BCU, but if you have a look around online, you'll find lots of unis offer foundation courses too.

I hope this helps and you find something useful to try and get yourself feeling more motivated about where you could move onto next. And try not to stress out - there's something out there for you. 🙂

Student Rep at BCU
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi @Spectacular207
There is always a solution and a way to move forward, so try not to let yourself spiral into regret and worry with this. It's easier said than done of course, but you've go this! These mixed feelings are completely normal and valid, so try not to worry that you're in this kind of grey area about what to do for your next steps.
It sounds like Art has been a strong interest of yours previously and it could be that you current course is the reason for your change of heart. If you're not enjoying your course, it could be making you feel less passionate about studying Art and pursuing the subject at degree level could improve your outlook. But of course, interests do change, and you may still love art and being creative, but potentially feel you don't want to continue with it as a career.
I would have a look at UCAS for some inspiration as to what art related courses are available. There's more than just standard 'Fine Art' courses nowadays, like comic and concept art courses, product design, illustration, digital design courses, and so many more, so there may be something you like the sound of which you never even considered.
Have you researched into the other subjects you're considering? Or had a look at career options they could offer? Or potentially if any of them offer ways to still use your creative skillset? Being creative doesn't always mean drawing or painting, so maybe a new course could utilize your creativity through writing, or presenting, or like you mentioned - graphic design, just as an example.
Something else I would advise is to look at some uni options with a foundation year. You may have only studied Art instead of a few subjects at A Level, so you might feel a little limited in your potential options. A foundation year can help bridge the gap between your current course and a degree, and if you feel you have some gaps in your education due to only studying Art at college, it could help boost your confidence in a new subject area before starting your degree.
You mentioned you're also interested in crime or psychology or something within the justice sector, so why not have a look on UCAS to see if any unis offer a foundation year with these types of courses. Also, they're just a year and can progress you onto the degree course straight after.
Here are some examples of foundation year options offered at BCU, but if you have a look around online, you'll find lots of unis offer foundation courses too.
I hope this helps and you find something useful to try and get yourself feeling more motivated about where you could move onto next. And try not to stress out - there's something out there for you. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Thank you 😊 for the advice. I'll have a look at the link that you sent me

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