The Student Room Group

Where for Economics without Further maths

Has anyone been to Uni for economics without further maths A level?
Where can I apply please?

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Original post by Stillwaiting123
Has anyone been to Uni for economics without further maths A level?
Where can I apply please?

Probably anywhere that’s not insanely prestigious. It depends. Does your school offer furthermath?
Original post by Stillwaiting123
Has anyone been to Uni for economics without further maths A level?
Where can I apply please?

Don't worry about it too much. Further Maths A level is only helpful in applications to top universities for economics like oxbridge, LSE etc. As a rough rule of thumb, you could check to see if a university will require TMUA as part of your application, as they are probably the more competitive ones and ones you could be better off avoiding.

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