been a part time academic many years, I actually quite like it when I get questions
In class, or end of class, is good for quick clarifications etc. That's not a great time for longer answers because I or you may need to be elsewhere for another teaching session
Email works for me (esp with useful title information * see below) because I can deal with it when I get time, at my uni we are expected to reply within 3 days
My queries are usually about content (subject matter) or assessment - and it helps to know which right from the start.
With assessment issues I will often assume, if 1 person emails a question then others will have it, so will pick it up in the next session.
Sometimes folks send me things for comment / suggestions / improvement - these are awkward. Our uni does not allow feedback on work to undergraduates except through assessed channels. My workaround is to share work samples from previous students work with my students, usually a marginal pass/fail and a good one, and get them to mark it against the marking grid and then we talk about it - always fun 🙂 Definitely ask your tutors for samples (even just a paragraph is useful) of previous work
With content queries, like others have said above, it depends a lot on whether you should be able to answer the question yourself (UK unis are about independent learning after all). If it is something you should be able to solve yourself (remember your peers here too) but you are struggling for some reason then yes I would meet to help (and to see if something else is going on e.g. a student asking for help a lot may well have issues beyond academic and I have some responsibility to make sure they are okay),
If someone is sending me a lot of email, like every week with lots of questions, I would probably reach out to their Academic Advisor / Academic Tutor (or whatever you call them at your uni) and ask them to say hi and see if this is part of a larger issue
- academics teach lots of classes it is super helpful to know the topic / session / module you are referring to (see * above about email title). If you include your student number I can also check if you have a learning contract or other adaptations I need to know about