Hey everyone! I have some questions regarding my A Level choices. I am 100% sure that I want to do A Level Biology and Geography. I love these two subjects and have a great deal of passion for them. They also directly help with the course I would like to do at University which is anything related to Marine Biology or Marine Biology itself. The issue revolves my third A Level. I am considering picking Edexcel A Level Politics as my third choice and the reason for this is I simply enjoy politics and watch the news a lot and learning about it would be really cool. However, I'm worried choosing it would reduce or diminish my chances of getting into the course I mentioned at university, because it might not help me get in. The thing is, I really can't think of doing something that could help like chemistry or maths at a level because I know I will do horrible in those and I have no interest in them whatsoever. I actually originally thought that my third a level could be Psychology or Sociology however after discovering Politics is an A level, I'd rather do that. Could someone please give me some advice on this? Is choosing politics okay as Geography and Biology would be enough? Any thoughts and advice would be super helpful!!! Also, I am very specific, so I've actually got my heart set on University Of Southampton. There "Biology and Marine Biology" course says a minimum grade of B in Biology is required plus one extra science subject and Geography counts as that science subject.