What extracurriculars/super-curriculars should I be trying to do if I am aiming for a top uni like Imperial or Oxbridge? I already do the UKMT challanges and have done as much as I can with the curriculum at school (what I do at school).
Enter maths olympiads, physics olympiads, attend an online maths study day run by a university, take a look at 'Tom rocks maths' website and youtube channel. About – TOM ROCKS MATHS
What extracurriculars/super-curriculars should I be trying to do if I am aiming for a top uni like Imperial or Oxbridge? I already do the UKMT challanges and have done as much as I can with the curriculum at school (what I do at school). btw from Scotland, in S4
Doing a bit of reading, competitions, pop maths videos, ... is decent stuff, but youd have to do mat for oxford and tmua/step for imperial and those entrance tests (and interview) are probably more discriminatory than having a polished personal statement. So putting some effort into problem solving (mat, tmua), harder elementary maths and harder a level maths is important. Theres the mat club/livestream stuff and step foundation modules and doing some more elementary maths similar to smc/bmo which you can do in y12.