The Student Room Group

Mathematics at Uni

What extracurriculars/super-curriculars should I be trying to do if I am aiming for a top uni like Imperial or Oxbridge? I already do the UKMT challanges and have done as much as I can with the curriculum at school (what I do at school).

btw from Scotland, in S4
Enter maths olympiads, physics olympiads, attend an online maths study day run by a university, take a look at 'Tom rocks maths' website and youtube channel. About TOM ROCKS MATHS
Reply 2
Original post by bennetthomas13
What extracurriculars/super-curriculars should I be trying to do if I am aiming for a top uni like Imperial or Oxbridge? I already do the UKMT challanges and have done as much as I can with the curriculum at school (what I do at school).
btw from Scotland, in S4

oxbridge are fairly clear that extracurriculars do not matter, your personal statement should only contain stuff about supercurriculars. There are ideas in
and reading list ideas on
oxford (st annes) maths supercurriculars
Personally, I think a decent maths history book is a good one to flick through from time to time (as well as others mentioned).

Doing a bit of reading, competitions, pop maths videos, ... is decent stuff, but youd have to do mat for oxford and tmua/step for imperial and those entrance tests (and interview) are probably more discriminatory than having a polished personal statement. So putting some effort into problem solving (mat, tmua), harder elementary maths and harder a level maths is important. Theres the mat club/livestream stuff and step foundation modules and doing some more elementary maths similar to smc/bmo which you can do in y12.
(edited 2 months ago)

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