The Student Room Group
Fate =/= real.
I suppose there is a hint or determinism in it however I think we can control a large proportion of our love life.
It's not real; BUT it can be predefined but your characteristics and personality.

For example, I'm only interested in Technology and Aviation in terms of career prospects, and while this doesn't mean that I can't do something like plumbing for instance, it does however mean I will most likely choose not so. Get it?
Reply 4
I think fate does try... but humans do **** it up.
Reply 5
How are there two of these threads in one day?
Reply 6
I never come late to classes.... but 1 day I do and the only unoccupied chair was near my now bf :smile:
Reply 8
I dont think fate is exactly real. I think we could make it successfully with many many many ppl, i just comes down to how much you are both willing to bend
I think our actions, choices, preferences and sometimes pure luck (good or bad) play a role. I don't think fate exists in anything, really.
Reply 10
Only for (senti)mentalists.
Reply 11
I never come late to classes.... but 1 day I do and the only unoccupied chair was near my now bf :smile:

:smile: thats so cute!!
Reply 12
Nope, it's all upto you
Reply 13
for all my life iv been stuck around people who are nothing like me because id made the mistake of letting my life revolve around having a good time like so many people. iv let the fact that im bisexual worry me too the ground for all my youngest days so far and was living a life that just wasnt me, found it hard 2 escape drugs and alcohol as my brother was doing it in my house all the time and i always wanted a different life doing the things i really like and being with people that make me happy. then i met the most amazing girl in the world who rides horses on my dads farm that nuffin compares 2 she just has that something that nobody else has but i hadnt come out at the time and it didnt work because we wernt ready. we finished and later she came out as bisexual. i messed up, another story, and she left to another farm down the road. i was still stuck on my own fighting my life and i never knew what 2 think cos i thought about her every day and my life. as time went by i realised she wanted me 2 come out but i took ages cos i was a mess and an idiot. she couldnt wait forever, id hurt her and she left. now i realise that we got together on the day before valentines day! that we had loads in common, personality-wise and in our looks. both our last 2 initials r both the same aswell. MM and CC. its a coincidence but there are so many of them! i think that i met my soulmate at the perfect time in my life 2 help me be who id always wanted to be and to truly understand in each other. but she has tought me not to worry, to be happy and not to care what people think too much. always ask myself what if and what is fate... will we meet again?? even though she must really hate me :-/
Reply 14
i came out months before she left but didnt have chance 2 tell her properly. im now trying 2 change and doing quite well, i still think about her every day and ask myself what if! in time i will learn loads more from this. wht do u guys think i should do? shud i find her once i can be independant?i got kicked out of school cos i knew i could work on my farm but thats all i have now, iv realised i want my own life, which will take time, and drugs are like all around me :-/ have i screwed my ''fate'', do u get a 2nd chance with ''fate''? will it bring us bak together or will she hate me forever?
Depends on how you'd define fate- from a scientific viewpoint I'd say 100% yes. There isn't a magical random force that means if you rewind a situation it'll turn out differently.