The Student Room Group

My boyfriend won’t tell his friends about us because he’s worried about being teased

I (18F) have just started dating a guy (18M). He’s worried about people at school seeing us together because he thinks his friends will tease him about it. From what I can tell, it would just be like friendly banter, but I think he gets a bit anxious and sometimes finds social situations difficult, so he's said he's not sure how to handle it. For clarification he’s told me it has nothing to do with me, and that he really does want to tell them but just doesn’t know the best way to do it. I’m happy to be patient with him, but it’s a little frustrating since we can’t really interact at school, so I only get to see him if we make plans on weekends. Any advice on how to deal with this or how to make it easier for him to tell his friends?
Tell his friends what, exactly? You've only just started dating, so you are still finding out how compatible you are. Unless either of you are invited to something and want the other as a +1, wait until you are past dating and actually together in a relationship before you say anything; otherwise, it's not going to be much fun saying "oh, it didn't work out and we broke up" a few weeks down the line.
Reply 2
my first thought would be: so you're embarassed of me. and that would be unacceptable tbh
Original post by user01906002
I (18F) have just started dating a guy (18M). He’s worried about people at school seeing us together because he thinks his friends will tease him about it. From what I can tell, it would just be like friendly banter, but I think he gets a bit anxious and sometimes finds social situations difficult, so he's said he's not sure how to handle it. For clarification he’s told me it has nothing to do with me, and that he really does want to tell them but just doesn’t know the best way to do it. I’m happy to be patient with him, but it’s a little frustrating since we can’t really interact at school, so I only get to see him if we make plans on weekends. Any advice on how to deal with this or how to make it easier for him to tell his friends?
If he truly cares about you, he shouldn't be so worked over the matter and trying to walk on eggshells around his friends. He is prioritizing social status over you. My advice? Cut it loose. You are still very young and lots of opportunities still exist. Cheers
Reply 4
He's weak, instruct him to tell them and to be a man.

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