So, as the title suggests, I wanted some information regarding Imperials Aeronautical course.
Essentially, the reason I ask this is because I applied to Chemical engineering at other universities (including Cambridge), and left some spots free on my UCAS choices to decide if I wanted to apply to Imperial or somewhere lower. The problem is that my Personal statement is a mix of chemical and Aeronuatical content, as I applied to both (as they're both passions of mine), so i wonder if I have any chance at getting in with that personal statement. Or if they'd allow me to send another one (Strongly doubt they would). If anyone is willing to give some input on Imperials PS procedure, or possibly read mine, Id appreciate it.
I'm a contextual student, with A*/A*/A in Maths Chemistry and Physics, with extenuating reasoning for no FM on reference. I achieved 9988888665 in GCSEs with 8 in maths and 6 in English language. I want to be realistic, and I already made my mind on my other UCAS choices but would have to remove one to put Imperial down, so I want the best chance at this.
Thank you