The Student Room Group

PPE students- how long did it take for you to get your offers?

Hi! I've applied for PPE this year with three A*'s at unis like Durham, Edinburgh. I've been told that these two schools take notoriously long to send offers, but a ;ot of my friends have already gotten theirs for different courses. Is PPE just slower in general or it just luck?
Have you heard back from Durham ever since this post
I still haven't gotten a Durham offer and I'm an international applicant so I should have heard back first
Original post by username6993523
Hi! I've applied for PPE this year with three A*'s at unis like Durham, Edinburgh. I've been told that these two schools take notoriously long to send offers, but a ;ot of my friends have already gotten theirs for different courses. Is PPE just slower in general or it just luck?

I applied for PPE to both Durham and Edinburgh in the first week of october 2023 (i'm on a gap year and applied for deferred entry), I got my Durham offer through in the first week of December 2023 and then my edinburgh offer came through in early april 2024!! every year is different tho, so i wouldn't stress too much about timelines 🙂

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