The Student Room Group

Forced to drop out of school in 2020

I feel like I know the answer but I need to ask. I had to drop out of school in February 2020 due to missing too many days (late diagnosed autism/mental health emergancy) a missed out on the predicted grades GCSE thing.
Because I was out of the school system at that time I didn't get awarded my GCSE despite the fact I wanted to do them in that school, they refused to offer any more mental health assistance until the last week I was there.
If there anyway I can argue to someone that I should have been awarded those GCSE? I was in the school for 2 less weeks then everyone else or am I stuck having to retake them and my time in school was effectively a waste of time and a bundle of trauma?
(edited 3 months ago)
Original post by BambooHoney
I feel like I know the answer but I need to ask. I had to drop out of school in February 2020 due to missing too many days (late diagnosed autism/mental health emergancy) a missed out on the predicted grades GCSE thing.
Because I was out of the school system at that time I didn't get awarded my GCSE despite the fact I wanted to do them in that school, they refused to offer any more mental health assistance until the last week I was there.
If there anyway I can argue to someone that I should have been awarded those GCSE? I was in the school for 2 less weeks then everyone else or am I stuck having to retake them and my time in school was effectively a waste of time and a bundle of trauma?

There seems to be a contradiction between "drop out of school in February 2020" and "in the school for 2 less weeks then everyone else". Are you ignoring any time when everyone else was being taught remotely? Or did everyone at your school stop attending (in person or remotely) in mid-March?

How did your school arrive at their centre-assessed / teacher-assessed grades? We're there internal / remote exams which you missed? (I'm just trying to work out why you didn't receive any grades if you only missed two weeks of school.)
Reply 2
Forced to fully leave my school at the end of February 2020 a few weeks before the mandatory quarantine hit schools. I was kept in their system for a month as they toured to another branch school but was unsuccessful. At this point I wasn't tied to a school but was in the system. Like a form of home schooling.
The reason given a few years later was that I didn't get my grades because I left it too long to be considered someone who was going to do their 2020 gcse' because I left their school system for the transfer that didn't go through because of CAHMs delays.
The reason I'm asking is a couple of my teachers (who I'm redoing my gcse' with) told me to at least try and chase it up as even if the reason is sound on why I didn't get rewarded my gcse', the school might have still done some annoying things which left me no choice. if there's even a slice of hope that my GCSE' might be somewhere I'd like to know as quarantine and my swap over felt like it only had a week of leniency and it sucks to think about.
Original post by BambooHoney
Forced to fully leave my school at the end of February 2020 a few weeks before the mandatory quarantine hit schools. I was kept in their system for a month as they toured to another branch school but was unsuccessful. At this point I wasn't tied to a school but was in the system. Like a form of home schooling.
The reason given a few years later was that I didn't get my grades because I left it too long to be considered someone who was going to do their 2020 gcse' because I left their school system for the transfer that didn't go through because of CAHMs delays.
The reason I'm asking is a couple of my teachers (who I'm redoing my gcse' with) told me to at least try and chase it up as even if the reason is sound on why I didn't get rewarded my gcse', the school might have still done some annoying things which left me no choice. if there's even a slice of hope that my GCSE' might be somewhere I'd like to know as quarantine and my swap over felt like it only had a week of leniency and it sucks to think about.

Thanks for clarifying. So your "in the school for 2 less weeks then everyone else" comment was misleading, as everyone else was still attending school - just on-line. You, in the other hand, don't appear to have been taught or assessed from February 2020 onwards. (I have no idea what "I wasn't tied to a school but was in the system" means in practical terms.)

On GCSE results day 2020 it was schools which issued centre-assessed grades (as the algorithm Ofqual came up to arrive at a calculated grade was abandoned). By the sounds of it, you weren't actually enrolled in a specific school between February and August 2020, so it's not clear who would have provided the centre-assessed grades anyway.

You say that what you experienced at that time was "Like a form of home schooling". As far as I'm aware, such students did not receive centre-assessed grades.

You mention above that "The reason given a few years later was that I didn't get my grades because I left it too long to be considered". Did this reason come from the school you left in February 2020? Or from elsewhere? If elsewhere, have you contacted that school?

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