Just two months into uni I feel completely finished with it. There’s not enough hours in the day and the course is incredibly challenging. I miss my girlfriend and family and can’t find anything I enjoy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Just two months into uni I feel completely finished with it. There’s not enough hours in the day and the course is incredibly challenging. I miss my girlfriend and family and can’t find anything I enjoy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
i havent had any similiar experiences but what could help is having a schedule/timetable that helps u create an equal balance between ur home life and academic life. feeling the way u do is totally understandable as its ur first time at university and i hope it gets better for u as time goes by . uni turned into university for me when i started my first assessment tbh 💀💀💀💀
Just two months into uni I feel completely finished with it. There’s not enough hours in the day and the course is incredibly challenging. I miss my girlfriend and family and can’t find anything I enjoy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Hi, I am so sorry you are feeling like this. Adjusting to being at University can be really difficult, especially when you are far away from your support network. While it may not feel like it, there are other people who will be in a similar situation and I hope some of them will reach out to you on here In terms of the course, are there any academic tutors or support that the university offers that you could go to for help? They may be able to help you prioritise your work or help you to balance work and life. While I get that is has been hard to find things you enjoy, keep trying to put yourself out there and try new things. Hopefully soon you will find people you enjoy spending time with and other hobbies too. It is important to remember, you are not stuck in this position. You can leave university and find one closer to home, you could take some time out or you can switch courses. These may not be what you want to do, but incase no one has told you, you do have options. Lots of people move somewhere else and have a much better experience, so it is always a great back up plan. I really hope things start to pick up for you, and I wish you all the best, Evie (final year medic at UoS)
Just two months into uni I feel completely finished with it. There’s not enough hours in the day and the course is incredibly challenging. I miss my girlfriend and family and can’t find anything I enjoy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
I do get what people are saying who replied but there needs to be some sort of actual honesty here rather than just cuddling no offence. You applied to uni to get a degree, yes you might miss your family or gf, but you’re doing this for YOU! Nobody else! Remember that. Now with your course, if you’re finding it difficult that’s good! It means you’re actually being challenged. However, what I’m going to say here is that if you’re finding it too challenging, is university actually right for you? Or is that course actually right for you? This is a thing you might want to discuss with a fellow classmate or your teacher. To conclude, I would say interact with people, make friends, go out (if you can afford to) maybe find hobbies your fellow classmates like and join them such as pool. This will also make you feel more connected to the uni, making you not feel like you’re alone, when you’re not. Everyone will feel like they are alone at some point but that’s where the friends you make come in. I’m not going to say you’re not going to miss your family, but it will make your time more enjoyable at uni, more than a drag. I hope this honesty will help you in some way, but if you’re feeling depressed then please speak to whoever at uni deals with this. (2nd year banking and finance student)
Just two months into uni I feel completely finished with it. There’s not enough hours in the day and the course is incredibly challenging. I miss my girlfriend and family and can’t find anything I enjoy. Has anyone had similar experiences?
Hi there,
I know how you feel and it can be really tricky at uni, so I understand how you are feeling.
If you are struggling with the course, I would suggest talking to your academic advisor/personal tutor if you have one of these about this as they may be able to help you with some of this. If you can, try and schedule an appointment with them and ask them any questions that they could help you with and see if they could explain anything that you need help with. You could also ask any questions about assignments if you need help with this and if they can help you I am sure they will help you with this.
You could also talk to your module tutors about the way you have been feeling about your course as they should be able to help you with this too. If there is content that you do not understand, make sure you are telling them about this as they will be able to help you, even if it is just over an email they should answer the questions that you need answering so that they can help you to understand the work. You should also ask any questions about assignments as they will help you and make sure you take any opportunities for formative feedback.
In terms of missing home and feeling homesick, make sure you are keeping in contact with everyone from home and calling them often as I always found this helped me. I also found always knowing when you were next going home helped me out too as I always had that to look forward to.