So I’d had my car insured with the same company for 5 years. I had to change insurance companies as the renewal cost was too expensive. I went to my comparison site and found a cheap insurance. I paid for the policy and checked the Statement of Fact when it came through. It had the wrong date for when I got my Driving licence. That cost me £40 to amend it even though the policy hadn’t started and was within the 14 days.
What had happened was in 2021 (6 years after getting my license) I updated my details on the comparison site. It should add a year on each year but it doesn’t grrwww. (It said I’d past my test and got my driving license in 2018 when I’d passed it in 2015) It was effectively saying I’ve always held my driving licence for 6 years. Wow seriously!
I’m sure lots of people make this costly mistake and if you do not check your Statement of Fact and there is an error, your car insurance could be void, which could result in a Criminal Record and/ or very huge costs potentially tens of £ thousands in the event of a crash or needing to make a claim.
Check all personal details BEFORE buying your insurance and screen shot everything!