The Student Room Group

OCR Computer science NEA Examplar/high mark coursework

Hi , I am in the midst of completing my computer science nea project, and I wanted to ask if anyone has any exemplars, or copies of their coursework which has achieved high marks, I wanna make sure I have a solid framework to go of as ik resources are very scarce.

Original post by Yowai mo
Hi , I am in the midst of completing my computer science nea project, and I wanted to ask if anyone has any exemplars, or copies of their coursework which has achieved high marks, I wanna make sure I have a solid framework to go of as ik resources are very scarce.


If you use, you can find ocr exemplars.
Reply 2
Original post by mesub
If you use, you can find ocr exemplars.

what would you have to type in to find exemplars?
Original post by v1cky
what would you have to type in to find exemplars?

Chuck this into it:

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