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Can I get into UCL or ICL?

I'm applying for chemistry MSci at both unis and I'm studying chem maths psych. I'm predicted A*AA atm and trying to get another A* but I know psych isn't a preferred third for either uni.
What are the chances of me still getting an offer? When I visited UCL I was told by someone involved with chem admissions that I should still apply anyway but ICL seems like it would be less accepting.
please help lol
Original post by luckyno.13
I'm applying for chemistry MSci at both unis and I'm studying chem maths psych. I'm predicted A*AA atm and trying to get another A* but I know psych isn't a preferred third for either uni.
What are the chances of me still getting an offer? When I visited UCL I was told by someone involved with chem admissions that I should still apply anyway but ICL seems like it would be less accepting.
please help lol

Have you took part in any chemistry Olympiads or the Cambridge challenge. What is your personal statement looking like (don’t post any parts as it will be then flagged as plagiarism). What other universities have you applied for. What is your GCSE profile as at imperial I’m sure everyone applying will meet the minimum entry requirements and more.
Just based of your predicted grades, you obviously do have a chance but Imperial is very hard. If you get in there you have done very well. UCL maybe more likely especially if you get that 2nd A*. My personal opinion (based on 2 A*) I think you will get both offers also assuming all aspects of your application is strong
Reply 2
Original post by Peter Adams PA
Have you took part in any chemistry Olympiads or the Cambridge challenge. What is your personal statement looking like (don’t post any parts as it will be then flagged as plagiarism). What other universities have you applied for. What is your GCSE profile as at imperial I’m sure everyone applying will meet the minimum entry requirements and more.
Just based of your predicted grades, you obviously do have a chance but Imperial is very hard. If you get in there you have done very well. UCL maybe more likely especially if you get that 2nd A*. My personal opinion (based on 2 A*) I think you will get both offers also assuming all aspects of your application is strong

heya yes i took part in the Cambridge challenge and got copper, personal statement not complete yet but have some extra projects and research I've done ready to write in, gcses strong (8 and 9s) and am thinking about other unis like Nottingham bristol birmingham
Chemistry tends to be somewhat under-subscribed relative to other science courses and there's no harm in having a couple of aspirational options anyway. So go for it :smile:
Original post by luckyno.13
heya yes i took part in the Cambridge challenge and got copper, personal statement not complete yet but have some extra projects and research I've done ready to write in, gcses strong (8 and 9s) and am thinking about other unis like Nottingham bristol birmingham

It sounds like you have a very strong application chemistry. I believe you are a very strong candidate for chemistry at Imperial and UCL. So yes go for it and best of luck

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