As annoying as it is, the best way with sciences is practise questions. First, the CGP guides and free science lesson on YouTube are great to learn the subject specific content, and then you need to apply that with practise questions, particularly with biology as the mark scheme is super specific!
I didn’t take French or Spanish, but I took German and I found the best way to learn vocab was Quizlet flashcards, and if you want to practise your listening skills, find a language learning podcast and consistently listen to it (this helped me go from a five to an eight in listening over a month).
I got nines in English literature and language, although I had been predicted lower for the whole of GCSEs. What was a game changer was physics and maths tutor! They have amazing ideas for poetry and the texts studied. I did well just by memorising those annotations, especially for Romeo and Juliet. Remember quotations is a matter of repetition. And you should remember analysis as well as the quotation. One of the best ways I found was to put the first letter of each word and learn like that, or flashcards work well too. You need to make sure you have a good understanding of the whole texts as well for evaluation questions, as that’s what marker are really looking for.
Hope some of this helped!