The Student Room Group

Neuroscience Msc

Hi All,

I have a degree in chemical engineering, and to be honest I have understood that I am not passionate about anything engineering chemical engineering related in terms of job, but I would love to work in Research and Development for Neuroscience. Do you think I could apply for universities with my chemical engineering undergraduate to do Neuroscience?
Original post by davd.24
Hi All,
I have a degree in chemical engineering, and to be honest I have understood that I am not passionate about anything engineering chemical engineering related in terms of job, but I would love to work in Research and Development for Neuroscience. Do you think I could apply for universities with my chemical engineering undergraduate to do Neuroscience?

Yes, email the uni/uni's admission teams you think you'd like to study at to ask for more details, or ask in a forum for these uni's/neuroscience forum.
Hi @davd.24!

It sounds as though you have the passion, which is absolutely a key part of studying neuroscience.

Universities may want to know more about your biological sciences background (e.g. Alevels), but it will work well that you have a chemistry based background, as this is a heavy feature of neuroscience. I would encourage you to contact admissions tutors to find out more.

Wish you all the best on this journey!

Freya- BSc Neuroscience

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