I have an interview with the university of Nottingham in a week does any one know what a pharmacy interview with Nottingham is like or have any tips on how to prepare?
applied last year and got an offer - make sure you prepare some answers before hand so you sound more fluent/prepared. then you're less nervous apt what they could ask you x
I have an interview with the university of Nottingham in a week does any one know what a pharmacy interview with Nottingham is like or have any tips on how to prepare?
I have an interview with the university of Nottingham in a week does any one know what a pharmacy interview with Nottingham is like or have any tips on how to prepare?
How long did it take to get an interview and is it in person or online?
I have an interview with the university of Nottingham in a week does any one know what a pharmacy interview with Nottingham is like or have any tips on how to prepare?
Hi, hopefully you did well on your interview at Notts and I hope you get an offer. I have mine on March, do you know what the questions they asked? And were the chemistry and maths questions basic or hard?
Hi, hopefully you did well on your interview at Notts and I hope you get an offer. I have mine on March, do you know what the questions they asked? And were the chemistry and maths questions basic or hard?
It's against TSR rules to share details of interview questions as it gives those who follow an unfair advantage.
I have an interview with the university of Nottingham in a week does any one know what a pharmacy interview with Nottingham is like or have any tips on how to prepare?
The interview is an MMI. So your transferred to different sections of the interview with diff interviewers. The questions aren't so bad - usually consist of why pharmacy, skills learned during work experience, situational judgement questions maths questions and finally organic chemistry questions (but their linked to pharmacy).