The Student Room Group

UCLAN Vet med entry requirements

My predicted grades are A*BBB in biology chemsitry psychology and core maths respectively
The minimum entry requirements are ABB for UCLAN which I really appreciate as I am somebody who does struggle with the academic side of the application
Do you think I have a chance of receiving an offer for an interview from UCLAN
I have also ensured to complete plenty of work experience and tried my best to write a really good personal statement.
Additioanlly, after my year 12 mocks I have been working much harder in my a levels and found a revision method that works for me that i wish I found sooner (anki flashcards, blurting, then practice questions). This has been workingas I recently got an A (75%) in my respiration test so I am more confident about actually being able to get my ABB in psych bio chem in my actual exams. Would really appreciate if other vet applicant had their own opion on whether or not i havr the chance of receiving an interview from UCLAN, thank you.
Original post by Anonymous
My predicted grades are A*BBB in biology chemsitry psychology and core maths respectively
The minimum entry requirements are ABB for UCLAN which I really appreciate as I am somebody who does struggle with the academic side of the application
Do you think I have a chance of receiving an offer for an interview from UCLAN
I have also ensured to complete plenty of work experience and tried my best to write a really good personal statement.
Additioanlly, after my year 12 mocks I have been working much harder in my a levels and found a revision method that works for me that i wish I found sooner (anki flashcards, blurting, then practice questions). This has been workingas I recently got an A (75%) in my respiration test so I am more confident about actually being able to get my ABB in psych bio chem in my actual exams. Would really appreciate if other vet applicant had their own opion on whether or not i havr the chance of receiving an interview from UCLAN, thank you.
Hi there,

It's brilliant to see that you are interested in studying with us. I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. As you've mentioned the entry requirements for our Veterinary Medicine & Surgery programme include AAB (two science subjects, plus one other) or ABB (three science subjects or two science subjects and Maths) at A2. From reading your message above, it sounds like you've done a lot to prepare your application but do keep in mind that this programme is competitive.

Do let me know if you have any questions at all and I'd be happy to help 😊

Best wishes,

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