I was looking at radiography as a year 11 applying for sixthform. I was thinking of A levels psychology and biology but I am unsure on a third one. I’m not fully 1000% convinced on radiography however it is one of the more courses I am leaning towards, I have also thought about Paediatric nursing and teaching. I was wondering what A level would be easy but also useful to accompany Pyschology and Biology therefore I can have as many options open as possible when I’m looking for uni courses to enroll in? I’ve been told A LOT to do business alongside these 2 but I just don’t think that will help me as I’m not looking for anything business related. I have also been told to look into English lit a lot, I was thinking of this as I’ve been told it could help if I do decide on teaching but I just feel like it contrasts with biology a lot as one is more healthcare and the other is very teaching and more on the calmer side in comparison to radiography and such. Does anyone know what I should do?! (All suggestions of a levels which help broaden options are appreciated) !