The Student Room Group

Keele University

Has anyone heard back from Keele university for
Interviews? I applied last week and I know it hasn’t been long since I applied but all my other unis have got back to me but Keele is the one I really want to go to. Is it normal for Keele to take this long?
what did you apply for?
Reply 2
Original post by Kati3_h
Has anyone heard back from Keele university for
Interviews? I applied last week and I know it hasn’t been long since I applied but all my other unis have got back to me but Keele is the one I really want to go to. Is it normal for Keele to take this long?

I applied for midwifery last Monday and got offered an interview for it only a few days after I had applied
Original post by Brooke1143
I applied for midwifery last Monday and got offered an interview for it only a few days after I had applied

Do you know anyone who has for radiography ? What’s the interview like? Is it hard
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Do you know anyone who has for radiography ? What’s the interview like? Is it hard

I’m sorry I don’t know anything about radiography

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