The Student Room Group

Failing Science

I'm looking to have a possible career in the future in film, whether that be directing, writing, doesn't matter. When reaching out to Manu universities, they have all said I need to pass math and English with at least a grade 4, but nothing about science. Currently I'm at a 1 in science with about 3 weeks until mocks. If I fail science do I need to retake it, and if I don't will it affect the chances of me getting into these universities.
Original post by Joel Pearce
I'm looking to have a possible career in the future in film, whether that be directing, writing, doesn't matter. When reaching out to Manu universities, they have all said I need to pass math and English with at least a grade 4, but nothing about science. Currently I'm at a 1 in science with about 3 weeks until mocks. If I fail science do I need to retake it, and if I don't will it affect the chances of me getting into these universities.

Retaking science when failed is not mandatory but you will be disadvantaged when applying to top ranked universities. Although they say you need at least a grade 4 for Maths and English, there is no guarantee you will be offered a place. People across the world will be applying to universities which you may apply to, so its better to score within a grade range of 7-9. As most universities mainly look at Maths and English GCSE when applying, the third subject they could prioritise next is all your sciences as its 1 of your 3 core subjects. People could have a similar maths and English GCSE grade to you so they will have to look at your GCSE Subjects, to decide who will be offered a place. They do look at your A-Levels more though, but GCSE grades is still important especially Maths, English and probably science and others.
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 2
What classifies as a top ranked univeristy. For example, the univeristy I'm looking into is high ranked in film and television studies/production, but it isn't one of the top highest ranked universities out there. Although I am still wanting to get a good grade on science, if I were to fail and apply to this certain university, what might the chances be I get in? Also I have about a month before mocks, any advice on how to study for science?
Thanks a lot btw, I appreciate the advice :smile:
Original post by Joel Pearce
What classifies as a top ranked univeristy. For example, the univeristy I'm looking into is high ranked in film and television studies/production, but it isn't one of the top highest ranked universities out there. Although I am still wanting to get a good grade on science, if I were to fail and apply to this certain university, what might the chances be I get in? Also I have about a month before mocks, any advice on how to study for science?
Thanks a lot btw, I appreciate the advice :smile:

It does mainly depend if the university is part of Russel group in the UK. Those are classified as prestigious universities in general for all the courses if I am right, but for your course it might be a matter of fact where the uni your looking for teach the course better than any other universities. Preferably, the best option is to go to the uni that teaches the course better. If you hit top grades at least from grades 7- 9 in your English and Maths and say you do the same for other subjects and fail science, there is a chance you could get in given that your uni isn't top ranked. But it does really depend on how competitive film and television is as a whole. For science, it is better to have a revision guide (preferably CGP) to help you through. My advice is to prioritise the contents your weak at and base your revision on that then move on. They have questions you can answer. There are excellent youtubers like FreeScienceLessons, The organic chemistry tutor and Cognito who explain the topics more in depth. Then do exam style questions and move on to Past papers.

Hope it helps :smile:
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 4
Thank you very much, I appreciate the help. I will use the resources to help revise for the mocks and hopefully I do well
Thanks a lot mate :smile:

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