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LAW advice aspiring law student

I randomly had an opportunity to speak to a professor at one of my chosen universities, my dad had met them and they passed on my number. The professor in question was a law professor for a few years at my chosen uni and then they also were heavily involved in lots of other big unis

And my question is considering that the timeline is in the 1980-90s where the professor did work at my uni, is it worth to heavily base my decisions on their opinions. I respect them a lot and due to my family background I had never had a privilege to meet someone so significant. Is it worth to base my UCAS decisions on the advice I get from the professor.
Reply 1
Original post by IMABUFF
I randomly had an opportunity to speak to a professor at one of my chosen universities, my dad had met them and they passed on my number. The professor in question was a law professor for a few years at my chosen uni and then they also were heavily involved in lots of other big unis

And my question is considering that the timeline is in the 1980-90s where the professor did work at my uni, is it worth to heavily base my decisions on their opinions. I respect them a lot and due to my family background I had never had a privilege to meet someone so significant. Is it worth to base my UCAS decisions on the advice I get from the professor.

As with anything, it's best to base your decisions on multiple trusted sources and not put all your eggs in one basket.

Definitely worth getting advice and taking a decent amount of it on board considering this person has real-world experience in a uni setting and knows how unis work and will have an insider perspective on what works well in applications.

Really exciting opportunity for you! Can I ask why are you interested in being a lawyer? What's your favourite aspect of it?

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