The Student Room Group

Applying to hardship fund for 7th time

I am experiencing very severe financial difficulties. I am not able to adequately feed myself and even with the foodbank there is only have a limit of 3 vouchers even though I’m bulimic which is an eating disorder. The foodbank is also very far even though it’s my nearest one.
I’ve applied for majority charity grants
I’m on universal credit
Spoken to stepchange
used my uni hardship funds etc
I’m unfit to work as I am bulimic
I have also applied to my professional association for hardship grants on what they have said is 6 previous times . In the last one they commented that I had applied that many times and that they think my financial situation is not really improving. But they wanted to help me so that I could finish my course.
I felt really grateful for the support and though that When I finish my exams in august I would work full time. I was so determined to finished. However I failed one of my exams which I will now need to retake in April next year plus another one in March.
Which means my financial difficulties will keep going on for another 5 months.
I’m struggling a lot with the feelings of isolation, food insecurity, money insecurity and not being able to afford basic things.
I feel afraid of applying to the fund again as I feel like they might judge me that I didn’t pass my exams and that I’ve applied up to six times before and things aren’t really improving.
I also feel the knock to my self esteem because it feels like I’m begging but my situation is really bad.
do you think I should apply again?
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Butterflywings24
I am experiencing very severe financial difficulties. I am not able to adequately feed myself and even with the foodbank there is only have a limit of 3 vouchers even though I’m bulimic which is an eating disorder. The foodbank is also very far even though it’s my nearest one.
I’ve applied for majority charity grants
I’m on universal credit
Spoken to stepchange
used my uni hardship funds eyc
I have also applied to my professional association for hardship grants on what they have said is 6 previous times . In the last one they commented that I had applied that many times and that they think my financial situation is not really improving. But they wanted to help me so that I could finish my course.
I felt really grateful for the support and though that When I finish my exams in august I would work full time. I was so determined to finished. However I failed one of my exams which I will now need to retake in April next year plus another one in March.
Which means my financial difficulties will keep going on for another 5 months.
I’m struggling a lot with the feelings of isolation, food insecurity, money insecurity and not being able to afford basic things.
I feel afraid of applying to the fund again as I feel like they might judge me that I didn’t pass my exams and that I’ve applied up to six times before and things aren’t really improving.
I also feel the knock to my self esteem because it feels like I’m begging but my situation is really bad.
do you think I should apply again?

If you are resitting two exams, why can't you work alongside?
(edited 2 months ago)
Hi Butterflywings24👋

Sorry to hear about your situation. It's worthwhile applying for support again. You can also apply to your university's hardship fund. Universities want to help students who are struggling the most. They also want you to succeed.

I understand it can be difficult to share your struggles with the service. Remember, universities are non-judgemental and provide a confidential service. They will do all they can to help!

I wish you the best in your resits and I hope your situation improves soon.

Original post by Leanne_USW
Hi Butterflywings24👋
Sorry to hear about your situation. It's worthwhile applying for support again. You can also apply to your university's hardship fund. Universities want to help students who are struggling the most. They also want you to succeed.
I understand it can be difficult to share your struggles with the service. Remember, universities are non-judgemental and provide a confidential service. They will do all they can to help!
I wish you the best in your resits and I hope your situation improves soon.

Hi Leanne,

Thank you so much for commenting! Really made my day.

I decided to apply again today and I explained everything I’m going through. I am just trying to manage my feelings of guilt over asking for help and maybe more support than other students. But I suppose most people aren’t estranged from their families.

I really appreciate the compassion and sympathy expressed in your response. Really helped me to feel supported

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