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Do I need Chemistry / Maths a level for Genetics? (UK)

Hi, i'm very interested in studying Genetics at university but only do 1 science - Biology (as well as History and Media Studies)

From my (limited) research most places seem to require 2 of Biology, Chemistry and (Further) Maths. The National Career Website says I need 1 science at minimum at A Level at least.
Is not doing any of these a deal breaker for me (should I give up now) or is there a chance? I got A's in all sciences and maths at GCSE but I want to know if I should consider other degrees if it's not an option.
Please reality check me if this is hopeless :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by blaia
Hi, i'm very interested in studying Genetics at university but only do 1 science - Biology (as well as History and Media Studies)
From my (limited) research most places seem to require 2 of Biology, Chemistry and (Further) Maths. The National Career Website says I need 1 science at minimum at A Level at least.
Is not doing any of these a deal breaker for me (should I give up now) or is there a chance? I got A's in all sciences and maths at GCSE but I want to know if I should consider other degrees if it's not an option.
Please reality check me if this is hopeless :smile:

Not super familiar with that degree, but if the uni website asks that for a requirements you need it unless u have a good reason. Maybe check a few more unis? Or see if u can swap out an option for like math? If genetics is truly your passion, a few sessions to catchup on a subject to do it for your degree will probably be worth it. And if they ask for those subjects it’s quite likely they will relate to the degree also in terms of style/work so if u don’t enjoy like chem or math maybe u won’t enjoy the degree?

It all depends on what Universities you would be interested in for Genetics I’ve just had a quick look at some different Unis (across UK with ranges of grade entry requirements) and this is what I’ve found:

Aberystwyth BBB-BBC inc. B grade in Biology
Edge Hill BBB-BBC inc. Biology OR another science
Leeds AAB inc. Biology and preferably another science (if only Biology then an A grade is required)
Manchester AAA-AAB inc. Biology AND chem/phys/maths
Royal Holloway London BBB-BBC inc. Biology AND chem/phys/maths
Glasgow AAB-BBB inc. Biology OR chemistry
Swansea AAB-BCC inc. Biology AND another science
York AAB inc. Biology AND another science (inc. psychology/geography/stats/chem/phys/maths)
Essex BBB-BBC inc. B grade in Biology
Sussex ABB inc. B grade in ANY science

As you can see, each Uni has different requirements, but most have required Biology (which you are already taking). If you want more options for locations, I would consider taking another science but of course it isn’t mandatory for every Genetics course! These were also just for standard BSc Genetics, so if you wanted to do anything slightly different (Human genetics, Biology with genetics, biomedical genetics) then the entry requirements may be different so worth checking those too :smile:

Hopefully this helps,
Jorja (LJMU Rep)

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