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Are my a level options good for Oxford

I plan to take
And music for a level
Bio and chem cause yk it's kinda staple for medicine
Psychology cause I wanna be a psychiatrist
And music because I love music and I've heard that it's a favorable a level for Russel group unis. Is this a bad Idea ☠️☠️
I haven't done my gcses yet and I'm getting averages of 6-7s in chem and bio which I plan to increase to 9s by the time of the exam and 7-8s in music. I haven't submitted the a level application yet so I want to know if it's a good idea. Ty 🎀
Original post by Debebekoo
I plan to take
And music for a level
Bio and chem cause yk it's kinda staple for medicine
Psychology cause I wanna be a psychiatrist
And music because I love music and I've heard that it's a favorable a level for Russel group unis. Is this a bad Idea ☠️☠️
I haven't done my gcses yet and I'm getting averages of 6-7s in chem and bio which I plan to increase to 9s by the time of the exam and 7-8s in music. I haven't submitted the a level application yet so I want to know if it's a good idea. Ty 🎀

What degree do you want to apply for? Medicine? Psychology? Not sure yet? Does everyone in your school do 4?
Reply 2
Psychiatry is a post-graduate branch of Medicine - and doesnt require A level Psychology.
If you mean 'Clinical Psychologist', read - Clinical psychologist job profile |

If you want to do Medicine, it doesnt matter where you go to Medical School - all Med degrees are accredited as equal by the GMC, and the NHS wont care where you trained, and neither will your future patients.

Music - not required/preferred for any STEM degrees at any Unis - why would it be - so pointless unless you intend to do a Music or Performing Arts degree.
Reply 3
Original post by DerDracologe
What degree do you want to apply for? Medicine? Psychology? Not sure yet? Does everyone in your school do 4?

I plan to apply for medicine and then do psychiatry after it
Original post by Debebekoo
I plan to apply for medicine and then do psychiatry after it

Ok. For Oxford med you need Chem and one other core stem subject so for you that’ll be biology. My advice would be to plan to take 4 and drop one within the first year (either after a few weeks or after a half term, a term, the end of year 12 depending on how its going). As you’re working at 6s and 7s in science atm you’ll need to work to get to a good standard to start your a levels but if you work hard your should be fine!

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