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(edited 1 month ago)
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Original post by langdaisy
I am currently doing TLevel Health in first year. I am working really hard however quite stressed. Everyone in the year above me failed their first year and the students at the other campus last year failed their whole thing.
The teaching isn’t great and staffing is an issue for my college but I’m trying not to let that stop me and putting in lots of work however there’s only so much I can do independently and with limited resources due to how new the course is. I’m also absolutely exhausted from working outside of college which has to be done but being so tired means my concentration and ability to retain what I’m learning isn’t great and I’m getting headaches from it.
The second years also didn’t put the work in last year according to tutors so at least I’m doing that but I’m SO scared still. I want an A or B on the core to go to university but I don’t know if that’s possible as I’m not naturally gifted either and missed my GCSEs and the teaching for that (including science) for health reasons so already feel at a disadvantage.
Does anyone have any stories of hope? I really want to excel but I don’t know if that’s a realistic expectation but I am so determined to go to university. My college say they are committed to getting everyone to pass but given that an E is a pass in first year and I need a C and Merit at the bare minimum to go to university I need to do a lot more than just pass.

Well you seem like a very committed and hardworking person so don't be put off that others have failed. The harder you work, the greater the outcome. That's it. The one thing I would recommend to help your stress if either quitting your job or cuttting down your hours, balancing school and work can be tough so if it is directly affecting your learning and concentrationation you need to sacrifice the temporary paychecks. Money comes and goes but you have one shot to get into Univeristy so put all of your efffort into it.

For a story of hope I can use myself and stories my friends have gone through. I started A-Levels getting straight Us and Es. I did pretty well in my GCSE's so I took my foot of the gas an eased up and I got punished for it. I pretty much stayed around the D region, even during my Year 12 mocks where I got a DDE. As a result they only predicted me a CCD which would not be good enough for a half decent University for my course. I committed my summer to grind and put in the work using my dream of going to university and my fear of failure to drive me. I showed them the work and past papers I did over the summer as well as grinding for the summative tests we did when you came back after the break. I managed to convince them to my grades to an ABC. Not what I hoped for but better than before. I am still pushing today and am now achieving consistent As and Bs in my tests and have be offered a place at Newcastle Univeristy for mech eng. My story isn't ground breaking, some of my peers have gone from straight Es to an A*AA just by grinding.

Don't compare yourself to others, keep you head down and laser focused on wht you want to achieve. Push past your "realistic" expectations and go get the grades you want and the University you want. Do past papers to gain confidence and make your teachers mark them so you can get good an unbiased feedback. You can elimnate self doubt by proving to yourself that you are capable of achieving what you want.

You got this :smile:

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