The Student Room Group

Law at Manchester

I’m applying to Uom for law this week but I’m really concerned that I might get a*ab instead of a*aa (typical offer) in my exams, does anyone know if they’re lenient by 1 grade?
Yeah, you should be fine. Manchester is known to give out offers lower than the entry requirements listed on their website.
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah, you should be fine. Manchester is known to give out offers lower than the entry requirements listed on their website.

even for law? being that law is competitive
Original post by Anonymous
even for law? being that law is competitive

Probably! My first degree was a law degree at a uni ranked much higher than Manchester for law and I got in with a massively reduced offer.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
I’m applying to Uom for law this week but I’m really concerned that I might get a*ab instead of a*aa (typical offer) in my exams, does anyone know if they’re lenient by 1 grade?

I think it varies from case to case, depends on your other stats and maybe personal statement as well
Original post by Anonymous
I’m applying to Uom for law this week but I’m really concerned that I might get a*ab instead of a*aa (typical offer) in my exams, does anyone know if they’re lenient by 1 grade?

I was rejected with AAA, i’d probably recommend applying later. I feel like they’re waiting for high achieving applicants to apply and rejecting anyone else. OR I just wasn’t a competitive candidate.

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