The Student Room Group

Good french films!!

Okay does anyone have any good recommendation for films in French that i could watch over the holidays?? or perhaps tv shows or sitcoms??

I've watched Amélie and loved it, and I've just started to watch Le Huitième jour... a fantastic film, in my French class as an end of term treat.

But yeh... what anyone got any ideas?! or suggestions?! I could watch friends dvds with French soundtrack, but it gets a big boring after a while, i want something genuine, French, quirky... just a good watch really.

cheers :smile:

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Reply 1
Jeux d'enfants
Bienvenue chez les ch'tis (dunno if it's out yet though)
Hors de prix
Après Vous

Ooh I forgot
Jean de Florette
La Haine (not fun or really something to watch over christmas, but 'tis a great film that'd be useful/interesting to watch sometime) :wink:
Reply 2
L'Auberge espagnole
Monsieur Batignole
Les Choristes
Les Poupées russes
Bienvenue chez les ch'tis
Les Bronzés
Reply 3
One night in Paris, it's a classic.
Documentary - Etre et Avoir (sooo good.)

Film - Le Gloire de mon papa - sooo sweet! Love it!
La Haine
Etre et Avoir
Reply 6
If you have Sky, you could also try watching TV5Monde (Channel 799) which shows random TV shows and films, as well as the news and documentaries.
Bienvenue chez les ch'tis or something... it's fun.

And chocolat, it's got Johnny Depp in so not fully French but I like it.
Reply 8
Irréversible is pretty good.
Reply 9
There is
La Haine
Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis
Les Choristes
L'auberge Espagnole
Les Bronzes
Au revoir les enfants, it's depressing though.
A Bout de Souffle.
Reply 12
Diva (if you want something kinda surreal)
A bout de souffle (this one's really, really good)
Les choristes (very sweet film)
La haine (not happy, but v. powerful)
Jean de florette (sad!)
Reply 13
Delicatessen. Made by Jeunet the man who made Amelie.
Reply 14
best french movie ever in my opinion is delicatessen. And it will really suit you if you liked amelie. Other good ones are au revoir les enfants, les choristes, and un affair pornographic. I forget how to spell that last one, It's late and i'm tired :tongue:
Reply 15
How about Paris Je T'aime? It's a collection of short movies, set in Paris.
delicatessan; it's like sweeney todd but without songs!
Reply 17
Le Placard
Le Dîner des Cons
Au Revoir les Enfants
Agathe Cléry <- not on DVD yet but if you are in France go see it in the cinema
Joyeux Noël (not entirely in French but good film)

TV Shows:
Ce n'est pas de la sorcière
Les Grignoles
Dimanche +
Attention à la marche

and anything with Melissa Theuriau
Bienvenue chez les ch'tis or something... it's fun.

And chocolat, it's got Johnny Depp in so not fully French but I like it.

I saw that. It was a good, fun comedy.

I'd also recommend, for something a little less comic, A Bout De Souffle by Jean-Luc Goddard. EDIT: I was beaten to it with that one too. Ah well...
Reply 19
amelie is really good, another one like that also has audrey tatou in is called 'a la folie pas du tous'. or 'he loves me he loves me not' as its called in english,( still in french but with subtitles).
belleville rendezvous is a cartoon and silent but i still like it!
paris je t'aime was on sky movies recently and that was quite good. and if you want a really poweful film then la haine is good.
oh and la cage aux folles is hilarious!

i like french films :smile: