The Student Room Group

Tuition loan after apprenticeship

My son has been at uni since September. He did a level 4 apprenticeship previously in a different subject, and has now been told he will have to pay £9k or withdraw as he will not get tuition loan for the first year of his degree. How can we appeal this?
Reply 1
Original post by missjwilliams
My son has been at uni since September. He did a level 4 apprenticeship previously in a different subject, and has now been told he will have to pay £9k or withdraw as he will not get tuition loan for the first year of his degree. How can we appeal this?

Hi there, what is the course he's studying? Is he being paid by his work to attend the university? Thanks, Jason
Reply 2
Original post by SFE Jason
Hi there, what is the course he's studying? Is he being paid by his work to attend the university? Thanks, Jason

Hi. Thanks for replying. He is doing sports journalism, this is nothing to do with the apprenticeship, he finished that at level 4 and didn’t want to go further as it was teaching and that wasn’t what he wants to do.
Hi missjwilliams,

Did your son gain a qualification from the apprenticeship?

Reply 4
Original post by Calum SLC
Hi missjwilliams,
Did your son gain a qualification from the apprenticeship?

Yes a level 4 qualification in teaching sport, games and well-being.
Original post by missjwilliams
Yes a level 4 qualification in teaching sport, games and well-being.

Hi there,

Did he state on his application that he has done previous study?

Reply 6
Yes as he needed to show he had done a higher level qualification. He provided all certificates etc that he was asked for. I just don’t understand it, the tuition fee is a loan and the apprenticeship levy are different things, and I’ve read that you get apprenticeship funding if you do a degree first then an apprenticeship in a different subject so I don’t get why it doesn’t seem to work the other way.
Original post by missjwilliams
Yes as he needed to show he had done a higher level qualification. He provided all certificates etc that he was asked for. I just don’t understand it, the tuition fee is a loan and the apprenticeship levy are different things, and I’ve read that you get apprenticeship funding if you do a degree first then an apprenticeship in a different subject so I don’t get why it doesn’t seem to work the other way.

Can you confirm, what level his degree is? When did he send his certificates?

Reply 8
Original post by Ross SLC
Can you confirm, what level his degree is? When did he send his certificates?

He did a level 4 apprenticeship and is now on his first year of a degree at Solent. I think he sent his certificate July time.
Original post by missjwilliams
He did a level 4 apprenticeship and is now on his first year of a degree at Solent. I think he sent his certificate July time.

Hi there,

Do you know if he received Advanced Leaner Loan for the apprenticeship?

No he didn’t.
Original post by missjwilliams
No he didn’t.

The student would be best to contact us so we can check what he put down on his application and check the funding he received for this apprenticeship. He can use the live chat option online in his account, or call us on 0300 100 0607. We're open till 8pm tonight in the call centre.

Original post by Claire SFE
The student would be best to contact us so we can check what he put down on his application and check the funding he received for this apprenticeship. He can use the live chat option online in his account, or call us on 0300 100 0607. We're open till 8pm tonight in the call centre.

Great thanks, I’ll let him know.
Original post by missjwilliams
Great thanks, I’ll let him know.

You're welcome.

Any further queries, please let us know.


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