The Student Room Group

Boosting grades while study break


Does anyone have advice on how to boost grades while on study break?

Hi there,

Great question here are some of my best tips that I've found help keep my mind fresh and my grades going upwards whilst I'm not actively at university studying towards exams or coursework.

· First of all remember this is your rest time making sure you're eating enough drinking enough water and most importantly getting enough sleep, need to make sure your mind is rested so when you do go back to university you don't burnout really quickly.
· I like to keep my mind fresh as well by just occasionally going over some of the flash cards or revision aids I'd made during my revision before exams Just to lightly keep on top of the topics that will covered last semester so I know I'm ready to start new ones after the break.
· Another way of keeping your mind actively interested in the subject matter that you were looking up during the semester is maybe volunteering to do some online tutoring or explaining it to someone else who's interested - trying to rephrase it so someone else understands it will often really help it click in your brain.
· A final way you might want to just keep yourself engaged with the subject is maybe watch some documentaries or some YouTube videos about the area that you've just studied or maybe if you know what modules you're studying next semester watch a few light topics not too long just getting you interested in what you are about to dive into with the next term or some extra reading material from stuff you've already studied.
Hope this gives you some good ideas

Coventry university student ambassador
Reply 2
Thanks for your advice. I'll take it on board.

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