The Student Room Group

need uni recommendations pls!! im a bit lost

Hi!! pls suggest some good universities for cs or software engineering with some chances of getting in, I would appreciate it sm<3 I’m kinda lost rn

nri - cbse
decent ecs
ielts : 8
10th : 92.4
11th : 68 (got medically diagnosed w/ RA)
12th : predicted 84%

i would apply to U of Leeds, U of Manchester, any more options?
(edited 3 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by astr0star123
Hi!! pls suggest some good universities for cs or software engineering with some chances of getting in, I would appreciate it sm<3 I’m kinda lost rn
nri - cbse
decent ecs
ielts : 8
10th : 92.4
11th : 68 (got medically diagnosed w/ RA)
12th : predicted 84%
i would apply to U of Leeds, U of Manchester, any more options?

I would recommend this website:

It shows the overall rankings of every University in the UK for computer science. Go through the list, check out how the campus looks on Google to see how if they appeal to you. Also watch YouTube videos of campus/ moving in tours as pictures can be edited and saturated to make the facilities look better than the seem. Then check their entry requirments for computer science. Just type "[Univeristy name] computer science entry requirments" in Google.

Then, I would look at student reviews of the University on The Student Room or Reddit as these are usually current or past students who will give honest reviews of their experiences. If you like every aspect of it, then check if there are any open days coming up. Admittedly there aren't many as most of them happened around September time but you could get lucky. Open days have been really helpful for me as they gave me a true feel of the campus, something that just pictures cannot do.

That's more usual process on how I picked my universities. To summarise use 4 main categories to choose your unis: rankings, entry requirments, facilities and student experience. Also check out their acccomodation online if you feel like that is a promiminet variable in your decisions.

Hope the helps :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by brndngrn
I would recommend this website:
It shows the overall rankings of every University in the UK for computer science. Go through the list, check out how the campus looks on Google to see how if they appeal to you. Also watch YouTube videos of campus/ moving in tours as pictures can be edited and saturated to make the facilities look better than the seem. Then check their entry requirments for computer science. Just type "[Univeristy name] computer science entry requirments" in Google.
Then, I would look at student reviews of the University on The Student Room or Reddit as these are usually current or past students who will give honest reviews of their experiences. If you like every aspect of it, then check if there are any open days coming up. Admittedly there aren't many as most of them happened around September time but you could get lucky. Open days have been really helpful for me as they gave me a true feel of the campus, something that just pictures cannot do.
That's more usual process on how I picked my universities. To summarise use 4 main categories to choose your unis: rankings, entry requirments, facilities and student experience. Also check out their acccomodation online if you feel like that is a promiminet variable in your decisions.
Hope the helps :smile:

thank you!! seems like im out of luck this time w/ my grades:frown:

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