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What Unis had law clearing last year?

Was just wondering which unis had clearing for law last year asking for grades around AAB -ABB. Also, Im sure this has been asked a lot around here, but if my Uni needs me to achieve AAA and I get A*A*B does that mean I don’t get the place?? (am struggling to get above a B in politics….)
Original post by Carrot123Eight
Was just wondering which unis had clearing for law last year asking for grades around AAB -ABB. Also, Im sure this has been asked a lot around here, but if my Uni needs me to achieve AAA and I get A*A*B does that mean I don’t get the place?? (am struggling to get above a B in politics….)

If your offer is for AAA and you get A*A*B you would not meet the requirements of the offer and they'd consider you as a near miss applicant. Some unis would likely have no problems accepting someone in that situation, others may or may not.
Original post by Carrot123Eight
Was just wondering which unis had clearing for law last year asking for grades around AAB -ABB. Also, Im sure this has been asked a lot around here, but if my Uni needs me to achieve AAA and I get A*A*B does that mean I don’t get the place?? (am struggling to get above a B in politics….)

Unis asking for multiple A grades for Law are generally 'competitive', and therefore don't have any problem filling their courses and need to put that course into Clearing. If you are not confident about achieving your predicted grades, then you should be including some Unis more likely to accept you as a 'near miss' - Liverpool and Sussex for example.
Brunel, Westminster and Royal Holloway did
If you search in the law forum there are threads with clearing vacancies from the last few years but the vacancies change every year. Unless you have a time machine then knowing last years vacancies isn’t very helpful.

The best advice is always not to wait until clearing to apply for the universities and courses you most want tk go to. Even if 3 or 4 of your choices are aspirational that’s fine (and better than 3 safe options that you would turn down to resit). If a university is in your original 5 choices then they have more options available to them in clearing (they can see your results even if you aren’t in clearing and they know you aren’t applying on a whim).

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