You'd have to apply to privately take your exams some centres can give you references and will give you predicted grades but it will cost more, for degree apprenticeships they do focus on predicted grades. I would recommend staying until Year 12 mocks and getting predicted grades, you can chose then to take exams privately and could even ask to put your head of year or subject leader as a reference on your CV. If you have chosen coursework based subjects I'd recommend just sticking through the rest of the year or retaking Year 12 at another college/sixth form, as it is more expensive and harder to find exam centres that will mark your coursework (there definitely are some). As well as for sciences, as you need to get practicals done for your grade.
Edit: Just looked and saw you take English Literature which I believe has coursework at least for AQA (this will be harder to do without a teacher and will cost more to do privately) as well as doing Biology which means you will have to also pay for science practicals if you want to do this privately. You take 4 A-Levels and two of them require more work outside of exams, just out of curiosity what pathway do you want to go down for a degree apprenticeship?