The Student Room Group

Oxford Interviews

anyone got an interview call for Classics
Reply 1
anyone got an interview call for Classics

no, but am also waiting for one! good luck! :smile:
Reply 2
anyone got an interview call for Classics

No, which college have you applied to?
(edited 3 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by medea09
No, which college have you applied to?

Exeter! How about you?
Reply 4
Exeter! How about you?

Balliol. Someone on here got an interview from Harris Manchester on Friday, so hopefully we’ll hear from tomorrow onwards.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by medea09
Balliol. Someone on here got an interview from Harris Manchester on Friday, so hopefully we’ll hear from tomorrow onwards.

I got one yesterday for Queen's! Have you heard yet?
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
I got one yesterday for Queen's! Have you heard yet?

Not yet, but I’ve seen people get them at Brasenose and Christ Church as well so I’m really hoping for tomorrow.
Exeter! How about you?

I had my first interview at exeter today for classical archaeology archaeology and ancient history! have you had one yet if so how did you find it?😄
It was atrocious

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