The Student Room Group

Failed in a resit.

I have failed in a resit at university of east lodon. So what can i do now?
I am assuming this is a bachelors course.

Likely you will have to either redo the module the following year (or pick another one, however if it is a core module, you must resit it) but unless you can provide evidence of an extenuating circumstances, resitting the same module will end in a module cap of 40%.

Typically this will mean having to do an additional year at university (hence student finance’s +1 year policy so, if your course is 3 years, they’ll provide you funding for up to 4), however, if it is a shorter module (15 credits say), you should be able to do it in less than a year.
(edited 1 month ago)
It might also help if you say what your course was for more specific details.
Im doing mba in supply chain management
Original post by Shhhhhh..
Im doing mba in supply chain management

Depending on how much the module credit is worth, unless you ask if you can redo the module next year, you will likely come out with a diploma as opposed to a degree.

I’m assuming your Masters is worth 180 credits total and in order to graduate with a Masters degree, you must achieve all 180 credits.

Diploma will normally be worth around 150+ credits but less than 180.
I would contact your course leader to discuss your options as I’m sure they will do what is best for you job or academic wise.
(edited 1 month ago)
The module i failed has 30 credits. Can i get to resit again. Do i have to pay any sum for that? Or do i have to do the module again?
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Shhhhhh..
The module i failed has 30 credits

I’m tempted to say, unless you resit the module next year, you may graduate this year with a diploma as opposed to a degree. Discuss this with your course leader as to your options (I know this can be difficult) but it is the best course of action.
Original post by Scienceisgood
I’m tempted to say, unless you resit the module next year, you may graduate this year with a diploma as opposed to a degree. Discuss this with your course leader as to your options (I know this can be difficult) but it is the best course of action.

Ohh okay.. thanks a lot.

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