The Student Room Group

Forced attendance to untaught PSHE, PE and enrichment sessions in 6 thanks form

I study 4 science A levels (including maths) and have zero free periods during school time for independent study as I am forced to attend PSHE, PE and Enrichment sessions at school, even though we just sit there or hang around doing nothing. My KS5 leader refuses to allow me to use any of these periods as my IS time so I have to do everything at home at night whilst twiddling my thumbs at the above sessions. Do I have to attend these sessions by law? Even if the teacher does not teach them or even turn up sometimes. The rest of the class are still writing personal statements which I had to submit in October, so just I sit there. I am under any legal obligation to attend these sessions? What happens at your school? Wasting these sessions which could be more useful as the frees I don’t get (but everyone else does) is really affecting my mental health now. My school is an Academy. Can they do what they like with this stuff now? Thanks
At my school i know theyre really strict on people turning up to enrichment and pshe lessons because it’s important for student development that they have the discipline to be there rather than using it as study time and it gives us downtime from studies in the case of pe and enrichment. I dont really get it either but its the sixth forms choice. By law, pshe and pe i dont think have to be taught and enrichment is optional i think. We do pshe during tutor time usually and then drop down days and we dont do pe but we do have enrichment sessions.

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