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i'm scared of growing up, getting older

i just wanna be 16 forever, and that's nearly over too, few months :frown:
i wanna be a kid again, well, 14 or 15..:frown:

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Reply 1
i wonder what Sigmund Freud would say on this ...
Reply 2
You could always be an immature adult.
Reply 3
Your 'real' age might change, but you can forever be a kid in your mind.
Your only as old as you feel, I'm 18, and still act like a 14 yr old and love it :biggrin:
Why the hell do you want to stay as a kid? You can't buy alcohol, drive or legally copulate; and that's just the legal stuff. Looking back, I'm glad I'm not 16 anymore - compared to being 18 it truly sucks.
Reply 6
i wonder what Sigmund Freud would say on this ...

An interesting analogy you have raised ^^
Reply 7
I'm afraid you don't have much choice in the matter.
Reply 8
I used to be like this until I realised just how many things there are to look forward to as you grow up. Plus you're only as old as you feel :smile:
I totally understand whee you are coming from get scared too

There is so much happening, for it is not a case of wanting it to not happen but I just want it to slow.

Its scary but there is so much to look foward to
Reply 10
i just wanna be 16 forever, and that's nearly over too, few months :frown:
i wanna be a kid again, well, 14 or 15..:frown:

Alot of people feel like this at first, its a natural thing to feel though.
I mean people are naturally scared of change, and changes happen fast once you turn 16..... going to college, considering uni, getting a job, relationships.
Its alot for someone to think about in one go so it does make you think of how easy and laidback life is before your 16.

But the flipside is there are positives to not being a kid anymore, More freedom to do what you want, brand new opportunitys such as college or the possibillity of travelling, the chance to go for the carrear you always wanted to do.
Reply 11
i'm the same! it gets really bad when i'm particularly stressed/down- i think it's a comfort thing. i want to stay 'little' because everything was easy then, and i always got looked after.

the only thing i can suggest is trying to embrace the fact that getting older is a good thing. you have a lot more oppurtunities, for one, and you can still act 'young' if you want to. i'm seventeen but sometimes i love nothing more than curling up on the sofa with my mum, a hot chocolate and an old disney film for old times sake. sounds a little odd, but nobody has to know. :wink:

& besides, age is a number not a rule. what's that cliche? 'you're only as old as you feel'. i think i'd have to agree.
Reply 12
^ So true! I'm 20 in a few months and while it's nice to be old enough to do certain things, sometimes I still miss being a kid- the workload compared to uni and primary school, the lack of guilt felt whiling a day away watching telly and eating sweets.. hey, even Christmas :o:

I spent too much time trying to grow old quickly! You're only as old as you feel, so enjoying being young while it lasts! Life is way more chilled that way :smile:
Reply 13
when i was younger i couldnt wait to be like 17/18/19 years old

from older people i knew, the above ages seemed like such a fun time etcc

now that im 19, God i wish i was 16 again.. how things were simplier.. and CHEAPER! No more child fare prices for me :frown:

Ahh wells.. growing up is a part of this great life
Grow up.
16, 17 were the best times. I'm twenty and in uni, but that time was ******* fantastic! Take every day with both hands, i'm trying to
Reply 16
Yup I'm scared of getting old as well :frown: I don't want to have to deal with things like careers, families, mortgages etc... :frown: I want to just stay a student forever :biggrin:
Reply 17
******* hell, GROW UP!

You're going to get old, you're going to die eventually! LIKE ALL OF US!
Reply 18
Wait until you get to your mid-20s.
lol I felt exactly the same at your age, it was only till I reached about 18 I decided I actually wanted to grow up.