The Student Room Group

Can you apply to more than one UAL course?

Hi, I’m looking into studying Costume at university and there’s 2 courses at UAL i’m interested in. There’s ‘Costume for Performance’ at LCF and ‘Costume for Theatre and Screen’ at Wimbledon. They’re both under UAL though and I’m not sure if I can apply to both.
Try ringing them and asking. You will probably be waiting months for a response from their rep
If you are applying via UCAS you can apply up to 5 different courses, they all can be from the same university if you fancy (that's what I did few years back). Each of UAL's colleges has separate student recruitment team, so each application will be processed separately and may require different stages (ex. interview/no interview).
Reply 3
Hello! I applied for both Fine arts at CSM and Illustration at Camberwell. Like makikooni said, it's totally possible -- however, it's worth noting that during the interview they might ask you why and latch onto your hesitation (my personal experience while getting interviewed for illustration) so be prepared with a reasonable answer.
Original post by ghostlovescores
Hi, I’m looking into studying Costume at university and there’s 2 courses at UAL i’m interested in. There’s ‘Costume for Performance’ at LCF and ‘Costume for Theatre and Screen’ at Wimbledon. They’re both under UAL though and I’m not sure if I can apply to both.

Is there any difference between the two courses? I'm thinking of applying

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