The Student Room Group

Dentistry volunteering

Hi I'm not sure what to do for volunteering that would help in my application for dentistry, what have you guys done/are doing?
I applied for dentistry this year and I've been volunteering in my local hospitals renal unit ☺️
Original post by aspiring4dent
I applied for dentistry this year and I've been volunteering in my local hospitals renal unit ☺️

Did u get any dental work experience
Original post by Dentistwys
Did u get any dental work experience

yeah I just had a week in my local practice !!
Original post by aspiring4dent
yeah I just had a week in my local practice !!

Thanks I’m applying next year but i cant find any :/
Original post by Dentistwys
Thanks I’m applying next year but i cant find any :/

just try and email as many places as you can or even ask ur own dentist if you haven't already
if u can't get in person search up some dental moocs and do those I did two of those as well
Original post by aspiring4dent
just try and email as many places as you can or even ask ur own dentist if you haven't already
if u can't get in person search up some dental moocs and do those I did two of those as well

Which website did you use to do that?
Original post by Dentistwys
Which website did you use to do that?

springpod for one and futurelearn
I didn't pay I just used free trial bc it gives u the one course I did for free

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